Oh well, better late then never. When Ida invited me to join World Walking day in 2010, I had to decline, as at the same time the whole staff (almost) of Corporate Banking were having their "Away Day", though it is more to training than outing, nonetheless, I had fun.
So when she invited me to join for 2011 WWD, I immediately agree. I registered together with my other colleague, but on the actual day, I was all alone, huhu.... none of them turn up...
Did I walk.... No.... But I had other interesting things to do...
Here are some of it...
The crowd
The MC, sorry to say la, he doesn't know how to pull the crowd !!!
Another view of the participants
The VIP on stage, YB Datuk Zulpilip, Ybhg Datuk Abang Wahap, DBKU Mayor
Aku musykil ngan nya tok, mauk sihat ka? mauk tunjuk gelang
Satu lagi....
Aikkkk..... Yerdehhh.....
Alah model
We are the world...
Aikkk... ada drummer sesat, she is Ida's sister
One more shot
Some of the participant who had completed their walk
Hungry.... let's eat
The next photos are unintentional but look at the two boys Finally... Maggi satu...
Some more arriving
Woman : oklah.. no more kids programme ka? My daughter wants to join ma..
Anyone heard of Finding Morgan ?? I know I don't !
Everybody was so hungry, within minutes, the queue reaches the other side of the tent
The syok sendiri singer, sorry to say.
I spotted a helicopter
Don't ask why I snapped this photo
Ida and her classmate
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